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Senior primary teacher, interested in tech in education, helping kids reach their potential.

Monday 20 February 2017

Stretching Ourselves

"This is too hard!" " I can't do that!" " Woah, I'm falling over!" All direct quotes from students doing Yoga (stretching and breathing exercises) for the first time several weeks ago. For some, it was new and different. It was outside their comfort zone, outside of what they normally did with their bodies. Their muscles were letting them know their surprise at being stretched in this way, balanced that way and centred this way. All of this bizarre new lesson playing out in front of their peers, non-judgemental of course, but an audience none the less.

So why participate in this morning fitness session, you might ask? It's a time the students can quietly and calmly focus on just them! Every pose, stretch, breath and thought is for them, they are focused truly on their mind and bodies. In this fast paced, hyper stimulated society, it is so important our children learn to press the pause button in a productive way.

A 90 degree angle in action

Dancing Warrior

The students have come so far in just three weeks. They are more focussed throughout the session, increasingly self aware as opposed to peer aware. The boys are becoming stronger in their core and improving balance on both left and right sides of their body. The girls are increasing in flexibility, see that 90 degree angle, and are eagerly awaiting the next progression.

Child's Pose

It's a lovely, cohesive start to our day and helps us with our emotional regulation. I think that's what they were trying to achieve in this Angry Birds clip...

Until next time it's paper, scissors...


  1. Hey Mrs Gill! Love your work! Fabulous blog!

    1. Great to hear from you Mrs Thieme! Thanks for checking in on us!

  2. You are doing a fantastic job here introducing the children to relaxation through yoga.

    1. Thank you Mrs Rivers, the students have come so far since day 1.

  3. I love hearing about all of this! It makes me want to come back! :<

  4. Ffion, it's so good to hear from you! I hope all is going well for you in high school? Thanks for all the advice and comments you have passed on to the current LA8 students. I miss your words of wisdom, Ffion!

    1. High school is well, not as good as year six, but I am doing well! :-)

    2. High school is well, not as good as year six, but I am doing well! :-)
